00:00And this also feeds into features
that you might want to give to your
00:02users, especially in productivity apps.
00:04You want to have that change history
where you can see what was everyone doing.
00:07You also want to have undo's.
00:09basically what you can do for undo is when
you create this action or this mutation
00:13describing, the high level intent, you can
also tag along with it, a mutation saying,
00:17here's how to undo this operation later.
00:19And then you store that somewhere and
then you just have a queue somewhere in
00:22your app that's like the action queue.
00:24You can go through that and
undo things in a nice way.
00:27Hopefully, users will be happier
with this than if you just, you
00:31know, revert states exactly,
ignoring collaborators updates.
00:35Welcome to the local-first FM podcast.
00:37I'm your host, Johannes Schickling,
and I'm a web developer, a
00:40startup founder, and love the
craft of software engineering.
00:43For the past few years, I've been on a
journey to build a modern, high quality
00:47music app using web technologies.
00:49And in doing so, I've been falling down
the rabbit hole of local-first software.
00:54This podcast is your invitation
to join me on that journey.
00:57In this episode, I'm speaking to
Matthew Weidner, a computer science
01:01PhD student at Carnegie Mellon
University, focusing on distributed
01:05systems and local-first software.
01:07Matthew has recently published an
extensive blog post about architectures
01:12for central server collaboration, which
we explore in depth in this conversation,
01:17comparing different approaches,
such as CRDTs and event sourcing.
01:21Before getting started, also a
big thank you to Rocicorp and
01:24Expo for supporting this podcast.
01:27And now my interview with Matthew.
01:29Hey, Matthew.
01:30Thank you so much for coming to the show.
01:32How are you doing?
01:33I'm good.
01:34Thanks for inviting me.
01:36Super excited to, to have you here.
01:38I think, our shared friend, Geoffrey Litt
introduced us and he and, Matt Wondlaw
01:44and a few others have, when you were
writing this blog post, the architectures
01:48for central collaboration, all of my
friends shared this blog post with me.
01:53And it has since, like, served
as a really, really reliable and
01:57good foundation to just provide an
orientation around, yeah, how do syncing
02:03systems, et cetera, how do they work?
02:06So this has been the, the initial
touch point for me, but would you
02:10mind briefly introducing yourself?
02:13So I'm Matthew.
02:14I'm a researcher and developer.
02:16I've been thinking about, local-first
software, more generally the problem
02:19of how do we make collaborative
software easier to program.
02:23So that's been, I guess, five years of
PhD work and now working full time on a
02:28collaborative app, at a small company.
02:30And yeah, the, the question for me
has always been, how can we make
02:33building a collaborative app in
the style of Google Docs or Figma
02:36as easy as making a smartphone
app or a local only desktop app?
02:42I'm curious, what led you, like when you
say five years ago, you started working
02:46on this, what led you to, to that point?
02:48What motivated you to, to look into this?
02:51yeah, so it actually
started a little earlier.
02:53So six years ago, I was doing a master's
degree at the University of Cambridge.
02:57I had to pick a master's thesis
project, and some of the Ph.
03:00students talked about what their lab
group was doing, the TrueData group,
03:03where they were working on an end to
end encrypted version of Google Docs.
03:06The idea is that some professions, like
lawyers or journalists, they want the
03:09collaboration of Google Docs, but they
don't trust their data to a third party.
03:13where the, you know, the
employees can look at it or
03:14it's on someone else's servers.
03:16So they wanted this end to end
encryption where you say only
03:18you and your collaborators
can read the unencrypted data.
03:22So I thought this sounded like
a really interesting project.
03:23I just joined them for my master's thesis.
03:25Turned out to be working with Alastair
Beresford and Martin Kleppmann, um,
03:30mostly on the cryptography side.
03:31Then after that, I decided that
actually the collaboration side
03:34sounded more interesting, and I
wanted to work on that for my PhD.
03:37Very interesting.
03:38What did the technology landscape
at that point look like?
03:41I mean, today there's like Automerge
and quite a few other technologies
03:45that already try to attempt this.
03:47what did the technology
landscape back then look like?
03:50So this was before the local-first essay.
03:52I think I actually saw a draft
of the local-first essay that
03:56year, now as a master's student.
03:57Automerge I believe had started,
YJS had started, but I hadn't
04:01heard of people using it yet.
04:03but yes, people were just getting
started to use this idea of.
04:07collaborative data structures for
the web, not necessarily with central
04:10servers like these CRDT libraries
were just getting started, and I don't
04:15know if the local-first world had
really even started yet at that point.
04:20I think there are so many people
who thought about similar problems
04:23over like decades before then.
04:25There was like CouchDB and PouchDB
and like a lot of great minds
04:29already thought about this, but
I feel like the real momentum
04:32started with the local-first essay.
04:35So I'm curious, take me through
a little bit of like the, the
04:37five years working on that.
04:40What were some of the milestones?
04:42How did you go about starting
this in the first place?
04:45So the, the main things I was coming at
it from a more academic perspective, like
04:49I really have a theory math background.
04:51So I was looking at the, the
theory of CRDTs, these conflict
04:54free replicated data types.
04:56Which, sort of, the idea is that
it's a data structure that's
04:59copied on multiple devices.
05:01You put your data in it, like your app's
data, and then one user can change their
05:04copy of the data whenever they want.
05:06At some point later, you'll sync
up in the background and come to
05:09a convergent copy where everyone's
looking at the same document again.
05:12This is really designed for the sort
of peer to peer model where you don't
05:15necessarily have central authority, it's
just everyone updating their own data.
05:19and also this local-first spirit, where
you always update the local copy of
05:21your data first, and then you talk to
everyone else and say, here's my changes.
05:25So I spent the first year really just
reading the papers in that field.
05:29So there's a classic paper by Mark Shapiro
right now for 2011, a lot of papers by
05:34Carlos Vaccaro and his collaborators,
yeah, just trying to learn what are these
05:38data structures, what can we do with them.
05:41Got it.
05:41And so after that, you started
your own implementations of CRDTs.
05:46And was there any sort of reference
app that you oriented this around?
05:50Not really.
05:51So there's actually,
there's a reference CRDT.
05:53So we started with this paper, which
is very theoretical about this way
05:56that you could maybe combine two CRDTs.
05:59So the example we use, which
is a bit silly, is if you have.
06:02a number that you can add things to,
like maybe a bank account balance
06:06you can add to, you can also multiply
to if you're applying the interest.
06:09How do you combine these two
operations in a single CRDT that can
06:12be updated with either add or multiply?
06:15So then my advisor had this idea,
let's implement this in a library.
06:18and there that already set some
sort of unique design principles,
06:23which is that we're going to assume
you're making your own CRDTs.
06:26It's not just a collection of CRDTs we
give to you, like map, list, et cetera,
06:30actually going to be whatever, and
then some way to combine them together.
06:34So that was really the starting point,
is that we want to make a place where you
06:38can make your own CRDTs and compose them.
06:40I don't think we really had a specific
application in mind at the beginning.
06:44Was that technology ever released or
open source or talked about in some way?
06:50So we did make a open
source library about it.
06:52It's called Collabs.
06:53So it's written in TypeScript.
06:55we have a documentation site.
06:56I think it's collabs.readthedocs.Io.
06:59it's definitely still an academic project.
07:01So it's really about, here are these
data structures that you can play
07:04with and you can make your own things.
07:06we do have some basic demo apps, like
your basic, uh, You know, text editor.
07:11there's a to do list
sort of thing somewhere.
07:13And then there is an archive paper about
it that you can read, which goes into
07:16more detail about the system design
and why we did things the way we did.
07:20Got it.
07:20And so it sounds like you've really
gone super deep on this, mostly
07:25oriented from the CRDT side of things.
07:28But, as you read the papers, as you
were working on this, you also got
07:33a better understanding of the larger
space and the other approaches.
07:37And I think you got more curious
about the other approaches and this
07:40is what you've laid out so clearly and
brilliantly in this blog post that will
07:45be linked in the, in the show notes.
07:47And I highly recommend anyone who's
listening to read it in depth, if
07:51you're curious about those topics.
07:53so the, the blog post called Architectures
for Central Server Collaboration, and
07:58it provides a really nice way to think
about this, like provides of like a.
08:03Hierarchical structure of
what are the design decisions?
08:07What are the trade offs?
08:08What are the concerns about
the different approaches.
08:11And so I've, I'd love to just
go through that step by step.
08:16maybe you want to walk us through it.
08:18Let's see.
08:19So the, the idea of this blog
post is we're thinking about.
08:24Real time collaborative apps.
08:25So these are apps like Google Docs,
Figma, Notion, that sort of thing.
08:29And sort of the distinguishing
feature of these apps compared to
08:32more traditional web apps is that,
you know, when you make a change, it
08:36updates your local copy immediately.
08:38It's not just click a button,
go back to the server, get a
08:41new web page and show it to you.
08:43It's click a button and something
updates on your own screen
08:45immediately and eventually it'll
tell the server what you did.
08:48So this blog post was trying to think
about, in general, with these real
08:51time collaborative apps, like, what
are we doing in a semantic sense?
08:54Like, what does it mean to
be real time collaborative?
08:57And then, what sort of, you know, the
high level of how you can implement
09:00that in the most flexible way possible.
09:03And so you've derived a couple of like
really nice ways to, to think about
09:08that, like in terms of dimensions
and later on you, you can nicely
09:12summarize it in a nice overview table.
09:15would you mind motivating some of the
dimensions that you come up with here?
09:21Let's see.
09:21So I guess just for context, my own
background is, as I said, thinking
09:24about it from a CRDT perspective.
09:26This is very much the perspective
if you have some data structures,
09:30which are usually pretty low level,
like maps and lists, and you have
09:33some prescribed operations that you
can perform on them, and then it'll
09:37sync it for you under the hood.
09:39And then also in the CRDT model, it's
usually not really assuming a central
09:43server, where the central server is doing
basically the same thing as the clients.
09:47So what the dimensions are thinking
about is, okay, what can we do that's
09:51different from just the CRDT model?
09:53And there is Yeah, there's
really three dimensions.
09:56I guess maybe the most interesting
one is the is how you describe
10:00operations on the collaborative state.
10:03So you have sort of the, the database
or key value store model, which is,
10:06you have these low level state changes.
10:09Like when I check a box in to do list,
that's creating a row in a database
10:14that says, you know, to do list
checked, true, that sort of thing.
10:18And then there's also this opposite model,
which is sort of the more event sourcing
10:21approach where you have these high level
operations, sometimes called mutations.
10:26And this is where, when you change the
data, you're actually telling the server
10:29exactly what the user's intent was.
10:31You say, the user wants to check
this box and make it true, and
10:34then you broadcast that high level
intent back to the other users.
10:38And tell them what to do and
how to update their state.
10:41And I think this is also like
this distinction between the
10:45intent of a mutation and the,
the change more directly.
10:50I think this can be, a little
bit of a subtle difference for
10:55people who haven't built something
with either approaches yet.
10:59But, uh, I think to draw an analogy
from the web world, When you're working
11:05with something like Redux, this is
where I'm not sure whether you ever
11:09built some, some front end apps with
Redux, but this is where you have, for
11:12example, if I remember correctly, the,
the concept of an, of an action, which
11:17is basically the idea of an event where
you declaratively say like, okay, there
11:22is an action or there is an event for,
someone wants to complete this to do.
11:29Then further down the road, there's like
a reducer, which then in, for example,
11:34maintains a list of to-dos and maybe kicks
it out or maybe, overrides a property
11:41in the to-dos array and says something
is done as opposed to the other approach
11:46where you directly mutate the, the state.
11:50Which is, for example, in the web world,
we're using something like MobX, etc.
11:55And so now we're talking here about
the equivalence for distributed states,
12:00and where CRDTs, I think, give us more
the analogy, this might be a stretch,
12:05but give us more of like an equivalent
of like something like MobX, where
12:09you mutate the state more directly.
12:11And the CRDT underpinnings nicely
make that principled constrain
12:16you in the in the right way and
then also distribute the state.
12:20Did I summarize this in the right way?
12:23Yes, good description.
12:25Maybe another way to think about
it that's in more illustrative
12:28than to do list is to think about
like the the video game example.
12:31So for example in a video game if you
press an arrow key on your keyboard you
12:35can do sort of the high level intent
is I want my character to move forward.
12:40And then your game server
will interpret that intent.
12:42It'll try to move your character
forward, but if there's a wall
12:44in the way, it'll stop you.
12:45And if you step on a pressure
plate, it'll do something.
12:48and then ultimately compute the
actual state changes, which are
12:51the low level things of like, what
coordinates are my player at now?
12:55what is the state of the
world in terms of, you know,
12:57doors that are open or closed?
12:58And it'll send those low level
state changes back to clients.
13:02So that's another example of
this distinction between high
13:04level versus low level intent.
13:06Right, and I think this is now also a
really important distinction because in
13:11the Redux or MobX example, it's, like, all
of that is happening on the local device.
13:18There's no cheating in that regard,
but when you're talking about games,
13:22they can actually be cheating.
13:23And how do you prevent that
particularly in a multiplayer context?
13:27And this is where you, what do you do
on the client and what do you do on the
13:32server, maybe need to be different things
where the server acts more than authority.
13:38And the client rather provides,
instructions as opposed to providing
13:42the authoritative source of truth
for the actual state of a world.
13:47And so this is where the intent
is not equal to the reality
13:53that is coming out of it.
13:55And I think this is nicely illustrated in
your article through this game example,
14:01where you can basically send to the
server, like, Hey, I want to move forward.
14:05The server knows where you were
before, and the server tells you
14:09afterwards, like, now you're here.
14:11The client locally can probably, if
everything is in an okay state, has
14:16probably already arrived at the same
conclusion, but, at least this way the
14:21client can't override to say the player
position is somewhere in an illegal state.
14:27Maybe this sort of transitions
into the next point or another
14:30dimension in the article.
14:32Which is, what does the server
actually do when it receives
14:35an operation, in particular an
operation that's out of date?
14:38So the classic example is if you
have a like counter, like a post has
14:42some number of likes on it, if it
has six likes and I send a command
14:45to the server that says, I like it,
change the number of likes to seven.
14:48But what if someone else also liked
the post in the meantime, and their
14:52like made it to the server first?
14:54So now the like count's already
seven, I don't want to set it to seven
14:56again, I want to increase it to eight.
14:58And there's a, yeah, so basically
there's a few philosophies in how the
15:01server should process this operation
so that it still makes sense.
15:04I mean, technically it's legal
to keep the original operation as
15:08just set the count to 7, but that's
not really what the users expect.
15:11So the one philosophy, sort of the CRDT
way, is to say, I'm going to phrase
15:15my operations in such a way that the
server will know what I want it to
15:19do, And it'll do the correct thing.
15:21So for a light counter, the classic way is
you say, increase the light count by one.
15:26The server can get that, and even if
the count has gone up since what you
15:29originally thought it was, it's still
going to add one and do the proper thing.
15:32So you're going to end up with
eight lights instead of seven.
15:34And sort of the other spirit is the
operational transformation spirit.
15:38So this is an older technique for
collaborative apps that's used by
15:41Google Docs and was developed in the 90s
for the Jupyter collaboration system.
15:45And here the spirit is, the server is
going to look at your operation, it's
15:48going to look at all the intervening
operations that you didn't know about but
15:52the server has received already, and it's
going to use those to sort of compute
15:56what your new intent is supposed to be.
15:58So this example, you would tell
the server, change the like count
16:01to seven, but the server would see
that there was an intervening change
16:04the like count operation already.
16:06It's going to rewrite your operation
as change the like count to eight, and
16:09actually apply that to its state and
send that operation to the other users.
16:13Got it.
16:14So, and this is basically about
the, the convergence aspect And I
16:18suppose where this code is running,
this can equally work on the
16:22client as well as on the server.
16:25So this is sort of orthogonal to the,
the game example case that we talked
16:30about, which is more about the authority.
16:34So this isn't about how does the server.
16:36interpret operations from, like, a
correctness permissions perspective.
16:40It's just how does the server
handle operations that are sort of
16:43stale, in the sense that the client
originally applied them one state,
16:46but by the time they arrived at the
server, the state had updated because
16:49other people were doing things.
16:50Now the server has to
figure out what to do.
16:52Yes, this is the server side rebasing.
16:55This is where the server has
to rebase your operation, or
16:58the incoming operations, on top
of whatever its new state is.
17:02And sort of the analogy is to git
rebasing, where you might try to apply
17:05a commit on top of some new commits that
weren't there when you first tried it.
17:10Got it.
17:11Okay, so that is one dimension
that you've nicely dissected
17:15here in this, in this blog post.
17:17what is the next one?
17:19So the next one is the the optimistic
local updates on the client.
17:23So now if we assume there's an
central server, everyone's taking
17:26these updates, they're sending these
operations to the server, the server
17:29knows what the state's supposed to be.
17:31And what you could say is just
the traditional, web app model.
17:34If I submit an operation to the server,
it processes it, it sends back, sends me
17:38back the result, and now I get to see it.
17:40So if you think like, um, you know,
traditional HTML form, you submit your
17:43operation to the server, it gives you
a new page back saying what it is.
17:46But with modern apps, we
want to do better than that.
17:48We want to say that when I perform an
operation on the client, it's going
17:52to update my own state immediately.
17:54And that's an optimistic update
because I'm sort of optimistically
17:57assuming that the server is
actually going to receive my update.
18:00It's going to process it
in the way I expected.
18:02No one else is going to interfere.
18:04this is just a nice property in terms
of making the app feel more responsive.
18:07You want to see your
key presses immediately.
18:08You want to see that button
get checked immediately.
18:10So the question is then,
how do we actually do that?
18:13Or, I guess the first question is
even, what is the correct answer?
18:17What does it mean to
optimistically update my state?
18:20And I guess, yeah, sort of the
conclusion I came to that, you know,
18:23people have come to in computer games
as well, is that you want to take
18:27the latest state you've received from
the server, plus your own optimistic
18:32local operations on top of that.
18:34And that's always what
the correct state is.
18:36And even as you receive or
perform new operations, you're
18:38just maintaining that state.
18:40Like from your first dimension, which
is about server side rebasing, now it's
18:45a lot of the same ideas, but applied
on the client where you need to make
18:50the same trade off decisions again, you
might come up with different conclusions
18:56based on the server and based on the
client, depending on your use cases.
18:59So that, that is the second dimension.
19:03And, then you're, you talk about
the, the form of operations.
19:07So how, a state is changing based on
mutations, based on state changes.
19:15Can you go a little bit
more into, into detail here?
19:19This is what we were talking about at
the beginning, where when you, you check
19:22a box in a to do list, you want to say,
Am I updating a row in a database that
19:25doesn't know anything about to do lists,
or am I sending a high level mutation
19:28that says, like, this user wants to
check the to do list and, you know,
19:32do that action or maybe do something
else if that's not valid anymore.
19:36So here we get to choose which
form of operations we want.
19:38We want to send these high or low
level from the client to the server.
19:42Then once the server updates its
state, does it want to send high or
19:45low level changes back to the clients?
19:48yeah, so the video game example is
an interesting one where you actually
19:50make different choices usually.
19:52So usually you'll send the high level
operations from clients to the server.
19:55You say, I want to move forward,
I want to shoot my crossbow.
19:58And then on the way back from the
server to the client, usually it
20:01won't send those actual actions.
20:02It'll just send the results, which are
changes to some basic key value store.
20:06But you can also make different
choices, like you can say, you
20:10know, Git is an example where
it's sort of high level mutations.
20:14You're saying, like, I want to, you
know, change this text paragraph in
20:17a specific file, and Git will send
those exact operations to every client.
20:21It's not going to interpret them
at all on the server and change
20:24them into a low level change.
20:26Whereas if you use something like the
Firebase database, that's all low level.
20:30You send low level
changes to Google servers.
20:32Where you say, I want to, you know,
set this key to this value or I want
20:35to delete this object in the database.
20:38And it's going to send that change back
to clients without having any idea what
20:41the keys and values actually represent.
20:43That makes sense.
20:44And so I think this is also nicely drawing
a boundary between the more declarative
20:51approaches that you have in mutations
that you can reason more clearly about,
20:56like in the context of your domain.
20:58But it also only makes sense
in the context of your domain.
21:02Whereas with state changes,
this is the appeal of CRDTs.
21:06This is you just mutate a document and,
the, the underlying mechanics, make
21:12sure that the state changes are behaving
in, in a useful way since I, I suppose
21:17like listening to the state changes
yourself in your app, that's no fun.
21:22So you really want, a system
like CRDTs to make sense of that
So now with those three dimensions
and I go through them again, the
21:30server side rebasing, the optimistic
updates and the form of operations
21:34like declarative versus state based,
now you've combined all of that in a
21:39really nice, classification table where
we get a whole bunch of like matrix
21:45cells here with different technologies.
21:48So, Again, highly recommend, actually
reading this and looking at the
21:52beautiful table for yourself, but
in the different cells, you've
21:56also filled in a couple of existing
technologies and see where they slot in.
22:01So would you mind going through the
different technologies and maybe
22:05sharing what's interesting about it?
22:08So I guess first I can talk about the
one cell just near the bottom, right
22:11in the table, if you're looking at it.
22:12Which is the CRDTxCRDT cell.
22:18So this is basically the place
where I spent my most time reading
22:21about CRDTs, working on this
academic open source library.
22:24And that's where the operations that users
send are really these low level state
22:29changes to some sort of magical replicated
database, where you update the database,
22:33like normally on your local device, and
it promises to do this synchronization in
22:37the background and make sure that everyone
converges to the same state immediately
22:40without really caring about what
specifically your data or operations are.
22:44So that some prominent examples.
22:45So Firebase Realtime Database,
I think of as an example, also
22:49the CRDT ish libraries, like YJS.
22:52also, yeah, Triplit, InstantDB,
those are all sort of in this quadrant
22:56or in this cell thing that we're
going to replicate low level changes
23:00for you, just like as they are.
23:02another cell on this table, which
is sort of near the bottom left, we
23:05mentioned in the computer game example.
23:07In a computer game, you're going to
send these high level actions to the
23:10server, which is going to figure out what
to do with them, and then communicate
23:14the state changes back to clients.
23:16that's another interesting cell, both
because it's sort of old, like, you know,
23:20this is, starts with the Half Life game
engine in the 1990s, so people have been
23:23using this technique forever, just not
in web apps, it's in computer games.
23:28But more recently, Replicache
implements this model as a data sync
23:32layer for web applications, which I
know a number of companies are using.
23:36and I found that really inspirational
reading about how Replicache works.
23:39I'm glad to have learned about it.
23:41And I love like how you
compare those technologies.
23:44Both technologies.
23:45I love, love like the Half Life
game engine spent way too much
23:49time, playing various Half Life game
engine games, where it's very, very
23:54intuitive that if you play, press
the W key, which moves you forward.
23:59That's like communicating the intent.
24:01To the server, you don't tell the server
like, Oh, I'm at these coordinates.
24:04You just give it like a history
of like which keys you pressed
24:08and therefore like how you moved.
24:10and it does some validation of
like whether all of that is okay.
24:13And it sends you back the location.
24:16And it's the same about Replicache where
you send it a few mutations And on the
24:20Replicache server, it interprets all
of that and sends back to you the state
24:25using the server side knowledge, which
might be different than the client side
24:29implementation, so it's the authority.
24:31So that is very clear and very nicely
laid out here, where you send the intent,
24:36you send the declarative mutations, and
the server sends you back some state
24:40changes, as opposed to what you before
mentioned, with a CRDT times CRDT,
24:46where Both on the client, on the server,
you run the same CRDT convergence.
24:52And, uh, so those two, those
two cells are very clear.
24:55Yes, exactly.
24:56And then, yeah, so I guess the
remaining cells of the table, they
25:00mostly, they either use state changes
in both directions or they use high
25:04level mutations in both directions.
25:06So, let's see.
25:07Two interesting ones.
25:08Automerge in ShareDB.
25:10They're both doing a similar idea to the
CRDT libraries, like YJS, where they're
25:15sending these low level state changes
around and making sure everyone converges
25:18to the same state, but they have a
different way of doing this internally.
25:22So with Automerge, what you're actually
doing is you're performing these state
25:26based Automerges that a library is
basically a JSON CRDT, but the way
25:30it works is more of an, like an event
sourcing model, where you have this
25:35total order of CRDT style operations.
25:38All clients are going to make
sure that they eventually
25:40confer to the same total order.
25:42So everyone will agree what operation
1, operation 2, operation 3, etc.
25:46The state is the result of applying all
of these operations in that fixed order.
25:50And if, you know, people do operations
concurrently on their different devices
25:54because the network's not working,
then we'll just sort those operations
25:57into some order later, make sure
everyone agrees on the same order,
26:00and that's giving you your state.
26:02So given that Yjs and Automerge, which I
think are in the web ecosystem, the, the
26:07two most popular CRDT implementations,
they actually do differ in this dimension
26:12of like how state changes are implemented.
26:15again, Firebase, as well as Yjs.
26:17following more strictly the CRDT approach
and Automerge using server reconciliation.
26:23is there an example that comes to
mind where this, in a example app
26:27use case would differ and where
you would use Automerge or Yjs,
26:32intentionally because of this?
26:34I think in terms of the, the external.
26:37the API, or what you see as a user of
these libraries, it doesn't really differ.
26:41It's more just in terms of the
implementation, I guess, in, in this
26:45totally ordered model like Automerge
uses, you don't have to worry as much
26:48about getting the math exactly right.
26:50Like, am I sure that these two
operations actually do the same thing
26:53if I apply them in different orders,
which is this mathematical requirement
26:57that you have to satisfy for CRDTs.
26:59So that makes it a bit easier on
the, to like the correctness and
27:04sureness of the implementation.
27:06Whereas with the YJS or CRDT style, if
I'm just going to apply my operations
27:10directly, in principle that can be a
bit faster because you don't have to
27:14worry about rewinding your total order
of operations and then applying a new
27:18thing and walking it forward again.
27:21That said, usually if you're making a
collaborative application with CRDTs,
27:24you don't really need to process
more than a handful of operations
27:28every second, so it doesn't matter
if it takes a little bit longer.
27:31Got it.
27:32That, that makes sense.
27:33So in the CRDT approach, wherever I am
currently in my state, I can just apply
27:38on top the existing or the new events.
27:41And, with a server side reconciliation
approach, this is where depending
27:45on what the new events are, where
they sit in terms of the timeline.
27:49I might need to, uh, Wind back, apply
them, and that might take a little
27:54bit longer, but possibly also makes
the implementation a bit easier.
27:58Yeah, I guess just one note.
27:59So, you've been saying
server side reconciliation.
28:01Automerge does not
actually require a server.
28:03It's a completely decentralized model.
28:05The name is just sort of by
analogy to what you would do
28:07if you would have a server.
28:09You would put all the things in the
order that the server receives them.
28:11Automerge instead infers a sort
of order in a decentralized way.
28:15That makes sense.
28:16So, we've now mostly talked about
the state changes side of it.
28:21And, we talked about how our
optimistic, locally, how are
28:26the state changes applied.
28:28But we didn't talk too much about the
mutations times mutations quadrant, which
28:32also has couple of, like, Subsections.
28:36So let's dig a little bit into this one.
28:38Yeah, so this, this mutations, mutations
quadrant, this is sort of the event
28:42sourcing idea where instead of sending
around low level changes, we're going
28:45to send around the actual user actions,
both from users to the server and
28:49from the server back to other users.
28:51So an example would be like, if you do
a find and replace operation, or maybe
28:56you rename a variable in VS code, the
operation that you're going to send
28:59to the server actually says, you know,
rename this variable from foo to bar.
29:03As opposed to a bunch of low level
edits where you go through and change
29:06the actual characters, F O O to B A R,
in every place they happen to exist.
29:10So this quadrant is interesting because
it gives you a lot more flexibility
29:15in terms of what You can communicate
this really high level intent, like
29:20code refactors or actions in a computer
game, and then the server can interpret
29:25that intent in a reasonable way.
29:27You know, applying permissions, maybe you
can see that someone else has also been.
29:31you know, added a new
reference to that variable.
29:33So it's going to rename
that reference as well.
29:36and you can do this a lot more flexibly
as opposed to if you just see the low
29:38level intent and have to sort of, or the
low level operations and sort of have to
29:42guess what intent that corresponded to.
29:44So there's a few systems
along these lines.
29:47So one of them, which I link here, which
is not as well known is called Actyx.
29:51It's actually a company in Europe, which
does, Like iot, coordination in factories.
29:58So if you have some, you know, robots
moving around a factory floor, they're
30:01talking to each other over the local
network and they might say things like,
30:05oh, someone needs to go pick up this
box and move it from point A to point B.
30:09one of the robots can say,
okay, I'm going to go pick up,
30:11pick up this box and move it.
30:13And that way the other robots
know not to move it themselves.
30:15And these, these actions or messages,
they just get put into a log that
30:19all the devices in the factory see.
30:21And that way they sort of know
what's going on, what tasks are
30:24outstanding, that sort of thing.
30:26Right, and I think one very nice benefit
of that as well, is that if there's
30:31some real world stuff happening, and
whether in a factory a robot has moved,
30:37or you've now like manufactured a new
part, or destroyed a certain thing.
30:43Now you have like a real
log of those events.
30:46So in case something goes wrong or in
case there's an audit, now you have
30:50some hard facts that you can look at.
30:52So it's not just useful for an app and a
machine, but it's also useful for human
30:57purposes to understand what has happened.
31:01And this really feeds into
the idea of business logic.
31:04You know, in a lot of
applications, we have this.
31:07Business logic that we want to do
in terms of, you know, what happens
31:10when a user clicks this button.
31:12And it can often be more
complicated than you can express
31:15with simple database changes.
31:17And keeping these actions around gets
you really first look at what the, the
31:20business logic was supposed to do and also
have the server customize its response.
31:25Like you can check permissions
at a very fine grained level.
31:28You can make decisions about, you
know, bank balances going below
31:31zero and that sort of thing.
31:32yeah, sort of tossing to some of
Pat Helland's articles, if you've
31:35seen like building on quicksand or,
immutability changes everything,
31:38this idea of, you know, accountants
don't use erasers, all those ideas.
31:43Yeah, exactly.
31:44And I think for web developers, this
is also very intuitive, where if
31:48you build a React app, for example,
and you have Some complex state
31:54that you express in react use state.
31:56And now you try to somehow do the right
thing based on how the state changes
32:02using some react use effect, for example.
32:05They're like, you should use better,
better mechanisms and better foundations
32:10for that, for example, using XState for
like some, some state machines, et cetera.
32:15This is where you.
32:16Very explicitly and declaratively deal
with the state changes as opposed to
32:21like, trying to somehow, reinterpret
how some, like, nitty gritty state
32:27things have changed, whereas, like,
if you just have a beautiful, simple
32:30event that is easy to understand, okay.
32:33That thing has changed.
32:34The robot has entered this room.
32:37that's much easier to
understand than interpreting the
32:40coordinates of a certain thing.
32:43And this also feeds into features
that you might want to give to your
32:45users, especially in productivity apps.
32:47You want to have that change history
where you can see what was everyone doing.
32:51You also want to have undo's.
32:52basically what you can do for undo is when
you create this action or this mutation
32:56describing, the high level intent, you can
also tag along with it, a mutation saying,
33:01here's how to undo this operation later.
33:03And then you store that somewhere and
then you just have a queue somewhere in
33:06your app that's like the action queue.
33:07You can go through that and
undo things in a nice way.
33:11Hopefully, you know, the users will
be happier with this than if you
33:14just, you know, revert states exactly,
ignoring collaborators updates.
33:20So, in this quadrant of the event
sourcing quadrant here, there's still
33:24a couple of like sub cells, um, how
the mutations are applied, namely the
33:31serializable, CRDT ish, and OT ish.
33:34Can you give a little bit of an intuition
how they differ in the implementation and
33:39when you would choose one or the other?
33:41So the examples here mostly concern text
editing, which is not a coincidence.
33:45So in text editing, when you're doing
any sort of collaborative text editing,
33:48like in Google Docs, you have this
problem that your operation might say, I
33:52want to type, you know, the word hello.
33:55After, you know, maybe I want to
type the word world after hello.
33:58So the, this message that you're
going to send to the server might
34:01say something like insert world at
index five, because you know, hello
34:04is five characters long, but someone
else might also edit this world.
34:07Hello, or this word.
34:09Before your change makes it to the server.
34:12So maybe now it's like, hello there world.
34:15It's what you want to happen.
34:16But your edit is still trying to
target index 5, so it's going to
34:19go in sort of the wrong place.
34:21You want it to shift over to
accommodate edits that have been
34:24before yours in the document.
34:26And of course, this gets worse if
you're, like, editing the bottom
34:28of the document, someone else
is editing the paragraph on top.
34:31All of your array indices are
going to get horribly messed up
34:34by the time they reach the server.
34:35Like, they're not going
to be accurate anymore.
34:37So the three choices here are basically
different ways to patch up those
34:41indices so that they make sense again.
34:43That makes sense.
34:44And, I think this is a common theme
for local-first software is that
34:50there are a couple of like special
buckets that deserve special treatment,
34:55namely text editing and also lists.
34:58And those, the, the latter two are,
I think also like closely related.
35:03So on that note, the article, you
also went, went a bit more in depth.
35:08on possible approaches to tame
lists in this distributed setting.
35:14Will you mind sharing a little
more context about that?
35:18Yeah, so if the list, as you said,
it's hard and it's hard specifically
35:22because of this index problem where
your obvious choice for what operations
35:25you're going to send over the network
often don't make sense anymore by
35:28the time they reach the server.
35:30Um, and the solutions
really fall into two camps.
35:33There's the operational transformation
camp, which is used by Google Docs
35:37Which is where you're going to send,
you know, index five, that sort of
35:41thing, a raw number, and the server
is going to look at these, this index.
35:44It's going to look at all the
intervening operations that arrived
35:48that you didn't know about, but
have already reached the server.
35:50And it's going to sort of like walk
through those one by one to try to
35:54figure out what index you actually meant.
35:56Because it's going to see, okay, if you
inserted something at index five and
36:00three other characters have been inserted
before that, I'm going to change it from
36:04five to eight, just adding five and three.
36:06Got it.
36:07So a very common app use case for
this is, let's imagine Notion where
36:11on the left sidebar, you can have
your, your favorite, pages pinned
36:17and those you control the order.
36:19So you can move them around or
also on a Notion page, all the
36:23blocks you can reorder yourself.
36:26And a very naive approach would be,
whenever you reordered something, you send
36:32to the server a full copy of the entire
document, and that contains the order.
36:37But that is not very useful in
the collaborative setting where
36:41now the merge radius of the
entire thing is the document.
36:44And it doesn't really allow for
collaboration on a per block level.
36:48And the another naive approach
would be to send the block and say
36:54like, oh, now I'm at position three.
36:57But something else might've
already, moved and it's no
37:00longer in reality position three.
37:02So this is what this is all about and,
uh, the different approaches for this.
37:06Figma has written also a really
nice blog post about this, how they,
37:11tamed this problem, where I think
they call it fractional indexing.
37:14And I think you connected the dots here.
37:17can you, draw a line between the different
approaches here, the CRDTish approach
37:22and the OT ish approach, and how that
relates to the, the list indexing problem?
37:27So the, the OT ish approach, that's what
I was describing with, you know, you send
37:32index five to the server, but the server's
going to rewrite it to index eight.
37:36So this is really this idea
that the server is going to.
37:39Mutate your operation to try
to make it still make sense.
37:43Then the CRDT ish approach, which is
used by fractional indexing and YDS and
37:46those sort of things, is actually the
clients, instead of sending, you know,
37:50index 5 to the server, they're going
to rewrite this message in a way so
37:54that it still makes sense, even if it
reaches the server a little bit late.
37:58So, for example, you could have, in
fractional indexing, you might label
38:02your characters with these decimal
numbers instead, where you say, like,
38:05the characters are at, etc.
38:09And then if you want to add
a new character in between 0.
38:124 and 0.
38:135, you give it the label 0.
38:16So this isn't really a list index,
it's what they call a fractional index.
38:19And the idea is that this will still
go in between the characters at 0.
38:224 and 0.
38:225, even if some other changes
happen elsewhere in the list.
38:27Because those other changes don't
actually change your fractional index.
38:29You're keeping the characters
at the same, etc.
38:34And now the 0.
38:3545, this is what you use
to derive the, the real.
38:40Integer indexes from by
lexicographically ordering it.
38:45Got it.
38:45So I'm using the same mechanism inspired
by the ideas of like the, the Figma
38:51blog posts, et cetera, for Overtone.
38:53And I'm even using it before I started
implementing syncing, just because
38:57I found it to be the Easiest way to
keeping a list ordered in an event
39:03source system, since this is what I'm
also already using to circumvent schema
39:07migrations for the, the app I'm building.
39:10So it's, I think it's actually a very
simple self contained concept that can
39:15be applied even outside of the scope
of a full blown local-first data stack.
39:20Yes, exactly.
39:22It turns out so what.
39:23Text editing CRDTs are doing is
very similar to factional indexing,
39:27just with some extra changes to
solve some bugs, basically, like
39:30what happens if two people try to
insert a character at the same place.
39:33Factional indexing breaks down,
CRDTs just have the smallest change
39:36needed to make this not break down.
39:38I agree with your point that this
isn't really a collaborative thing.
39:41This is just a general
data structures thing.
39:43It's like the way we describe text and
as an array is sort of flawed because
39:48array indexes are changing all the time,
even though the character is staying
39:52the same and staying in the same place.
39:54Intuitive sense.
39:56So what we really want is an abstraction
where the characters keep the same
39:59identifier at all times, whether that's a
fractional index or whether it's part of
40:03the list CRDT internals, and then that's
how we should represent sequences that
40:07can move around, which is basically any
list in a GUI where you can drag something
40:11in between two existing elements.
40:13That makes a lot of sense.
40:14And what's also so cool about like seeing
all of the different options in this
40:19classification table is that you don't
have to choose exactly one for your app.
40:24what I'm planning to do for, for
Overtone is mostly follow the event
40:28sourcing idea for collaborative state.
40:30However, in the places where I have.
40:33complex, particular problems such as
a description text or like a document
40:39text, this is where I most likely will
resort to something like Automerge
40:43or Yjs to let those technologies
deal with the text editing, the
40:49collaborative text editing use case.
40:51But, and with that, I'm gonna I think I
get the best of both worlds where I get
40:57all the benefits from event sourcing for
the, the more high level data structure
41:02of my app and for the specificness of
the text editing, I embed a little CRDT
41:08use case in the broader document use
case that I tame with event sourcing.
41:14Do you think that general
approach makes sense?
41:16Yes, that's exactly the way to do it.
41:18Yeah, if you look, there's a lot
of, you know, blog posts saying
41:20about how CRDTs are complicated
or they're hard to implement.
41:23Usually these blog posts are talking
specifically about the text editing part.
41:27That's sort of the hard part where
you want to let someone else do
41:29it and have their nice battle
tested, fuzz tested implementation.
41:32But for other data structures, like if you
have, you know, sort of a database table
41:37sort of structure or a map structure, it's
easier to make your own sync engine for
41:42that and just drop in an existing library
to handle the lists and text editing.
41:46So it's funny that you came from like
going super deep on CRDTs of like spanning
41:52this, broader table of possibilities.
41:56And it seems like now you're
actually much more drawn.
41:59So the first quadrant around
event sourcing, what, led
42:02to, to this interest for you?
42:05Let's see.
42:05So it might just be, you know, the
grass is greener on the other side.
42:08I haven't tried to make an
app or a library using the
42:11event sourcing approach yet.
42:12So maybe I just don't
know what's wrong with it.
42:14but it really started
out about a year ago.
42:16I was thinking about version control.
42:19This was around the same time that Ink
and Switch was thinking about version
42:21control with their, upwelling essay.
42:24and the idea was like, what if we
could do this Git style model where
42:28you make changes to an app, like
a text document or a spreadsheet.
42:31We just put these into linear branches,
and then when we merge them, you
42:35copy from one branch to another.
42:37And originally, the idea is we're
going to put CRDT operations in these
42:40branches, because that's what I'm familiar
with, but I eventually realized like,
42:43actually, because the branches put the
operations in a total order anyway, we
42:47don't care about the CRDT correctness
properties that say that you can
42:51apply operations in different orders.
42:53So we might as well just
use arbitrary operations.
42:55And that unlocks a whole lot of
possibilities that would have been
42:59hard to do in a CRDT system, like you
can do these rename variable or find
43:03and replace operations, maybe even
like a change tone with AI operation.
43:07Just put these in a log, have
the log be in a fixed order, and
43:11run the operations in that order.
43:12That makes sense.
43:13so aside from the versioning use case,
can you think how, using a CRDT approach
43:20versus an event sourcing approach might
be a good or a bad fit for different
43:26categories of apps that you can think of?
43:29Yeah, so I think the advantages of
a CRDT approach, well first off,
43:33you can do this more database model.
43:34If I'm going to put my data in a
magic box that says database, and
43:37it's going to synchronize it for
me, I don't have to worry about it.
43:39Whereas you're doing an event
sourcing approach, you have to think
43:42more carefully about what are my
mutations that I'm sending around?
43:46How do I process them?
43:47How do I make sure that they still
make sense, even if someone else's
43:50mutation reach the server first?
43:52So that's a bit harder.
43:54the other advantage of CRDTs
is the efficiency perspective.
43:57You can have, the CRDTs can implement
operations in a very efficient way so
44:01that you're not going to accidentally
say, you know, I'm sending this mutation
44:06to the server that's going to take.
44:07an entire second to process is
going to slow everyone down.
44:10It's sort of the, the general trade offs
that CRDTs behave more like a database.
44:14They, they just work and
they're optimized to be fast.
44:17Which, with an event sourcing
model, you get flexibility.
44:21You can send arbitrary mutations
around, you can have arbitrary business
44:25logic on the server, it can even
differ from the logic on the clients.
44:29Just coming back to the video game
example, you have a lot of logic that
44:32the server needs to step through,
checking permissions, checking
44:34collisions, that sort of thing.
44:36Which would be hard to do with
a CRDT or with a database model.
44:40So you mentioned that you haven't
yet built larger systems with the
44:45event sourcing approach, but I
think you've still done a little
44:48bit of research on what might await
you in the event sourcing world.
44:53So could you outline a little bit
of like the potential concerns
44:57you see on the horizon when
going all in on event sourcing?
45:01Yeah, so I guess the main concern
always is if you're Sending around
45:06this log of events to clients.
45:09And if you're storing this as
your single source of truth, then
45:13storing all these events forever,
it might take up a lot of space.
45:15If you could imagine a text document, if
each text character corresponds to 100
45:20bytes of JSON, then the history of all
the events is going to be a hundred times
45:25bigger than the actual text document.
45:26Even if you've since cleared out the
entire text document, now it's empty.
45:29You still have all this state.
45:30So that's the main challenge is just how
do we store the events efficiently, how
45:35do we maybe compact them, say I don't
need these events anymore, I'm going to
45:38throw them away and replace the state,
while still making that play nicely
45:42with, you know, clients who have been
offline for a month, that sort of thing.
45:45Which sort of mechanisms do
you think will mostly help to
45:49overcome some of those issues?
45:51I'm hoping the main mechanism is just
To give up, basically say text is
45:56very small for any, the main sources
of lots of data in your app are
46:01blobs like images or videos, which
you can put somewhere else anyway.
46:05And then for the actual event describing
the fine grained changes, just store
46:08them all and it's only going to be
a few megabytes per document anyway.
46:11Got it.
46:13And I think on top of that, there's
also the compaction use case.
46:17Now that I have a little bit
more, insight on, on that
46:21approach with building Overtone.
46:23for example, given that everything you
do within Overtone, whether it's playing
46:28a track, whether it's navigating within
the app, whether it's adding a track
46:31to your playlist or follow an artist,
all of those are an event and Adding
46:39a track to a playlist, there you do a
lot less of those than, for example,
46:45in the background, the app auto playing
the next track, which is also an event.
46:52And another kind of event is if the app
tries to authenticate with a music service
46:58such as Spotify to exchange tokens, which
it needs to do at least Once an hour.
47:05So it does so a little bit ahead of time.
47:07So, also when you reload the
app, it needs to do that.
47:11So just by the fact by, the app running
in the background over time, it Racks
47:18up quite a lot of different events.
47:21And I think they're the interesting
part is the nature of the events
47:25and the nature of those events also
allows for different trade offs.
47:28So me putting a track into a
playlist, A, there's going to be
47:33like way fewer events of those.
47:35and it's fine to keep the
entire history of this around.
47:38What's so cool about this also, the fact.
47:41That, I have this event allows me to
trivially implement a feature like that.
47:46I can hover over the track and I see
the information when was it added by
47:51whom was it added to, to the playlist.
47:53It also makes implementing things such
as undo much easier, but the other kind
47:59of events, which might be implicit or
which might just be a lot more, higher
48:05quantity, what I've seen is that, it's
not as crucial to keep those events
48:11around for eternity, but some of those
events are then also made irrelevant by
48:17follow up events of the, the same type.
48:20So for example, if your app has
authenticated and overrides sort of like
48:24an off state into the database, and.
48:27two hours later, it has
already done so 10 more times.
48:31I don't need to keep the entire history
before that, maybe besides auditing
48:35reasons, so I can just at some point
remove the old events, which keeps
48:41an otherwise always growing event
log at a, for this given event type
48:47at a much more like constant size,
which makes it much more feasible.
48:52Another thing that I, started thinking
about is like, what if you have not
48:57just like one event log, but what
if you have multiple event logs?
49:01And what if you have, a
hierarchy of event logs?
49:04This is something that I also want to
think a little bit more about, Let's
49:08say you have a, a tree of, playlists,
like a, a folder of playlists.
49:13So you have a, a playlist.
49:15And that playlist could also, possibly
be a folder of other playlists.
49:20So now what does the event log exist for?
49:23Does it exist for like,
everything in my library?
49:26Does it exist for a broken down to.
49:30only giving information about which
playlists I have, and then I need to
49:34subscribe to another playlist, but
what if that playlist is a folder?
49:38So this hierarchical aspect of
it, I think this will keep me busy
49:42for, for a little bit as well.
49:43Do you have thoughts on those problems?
49:46Yeah, I mean, this, the, what
you're saying is really interesting.
49:48It makes me think of the
problem of ephemeral presence.
49:52So, you know, in Figma, when your
collaborators are moving their
49:54mouse cursors around, you can see
where they're at it every time.
49:58I would imagine Figma is not actually
persisting those mouse movements,
50:01it's just sending them over the usual
channels so that you can see them live,
50:04but then you forget about these events
because they don't matter anymore.
50:07So I wonder if you could maybe do that
for a lot of the events that don't
50:11matter as much, or even in a text editor.
50:13So one thing that's really hard with a
collaborative text editor is you'd like it
50:17so that whenever you press a key, that key
is immediately sent to your collaborators.
50:21But if that actually creates an event
that's persisted in the log, then you have
50:24this issue of, you know, 100 times as much
storage as key presses, but maybe what
50:28you could say is when you press a key,
that's like an ephemeral presence message.
50:32It's not actually stored,
it's just sent over the same
50:34channel as the mouse movements.
50:36And this is sort of like an ephemeral mini
log that's stacked on top of the actual
50:40event log, and then every 10 seconds
or so you send a compacted version of
50:44like the entire sentence that the person
typed as a single event, and that's
50:47what's actually stored on the backend.
50:49I wonder if that could help at all, or
if this is even possible to implement.
50:53I've actually implemented a
small version of that already,
50:57which I call local only events.
50:59The idea of that is that, there's kind
of like hierarchies of syncing as well.
51:05There's like syncing, just from the main
thread to the workers thread, which is
51:11responsible for persisting the data,
but also from one tab to another tab.
51:18And, those two tabs should in
some regards, Converge, and in
51:23some regards, allow divergence.
51:25so for example, if you have Notion open in
two tabs, you want to be able to navigate
51:32to different documents and those different
tabs, but if you're in the same document,
51:36you probably want to see the same thing.
51:38So it's the same that
applies to a music app.
51:41Maybe in one tab you want to have.
51:43The playback of one track and the another
one, you want to not have the same
51:48playback, otherwise you hear it twice.
51:50but you want to maybe work on a playlist.
51:53And so keeping things in sync is
important, but I don't want to,
51:58constantly as the playback progresses,
have persistent events for this.
52:02So I try to A, have like, very
Deliberately small events.
52:08And the other thing is where I have
events that are broadcasted around.
52:12But, if the app reloads, it
doesn't rehydrate from those.
52:16It either catches them midway
or it's not important enough.
52:21that it shows it so very similar
to the presence feature in Figma.
52:25So I have implemented a first version
of this, but I think there can be
52:29use cases where you might want to
keep them around for like 10 minutes
52:34or 10 seconds, like you say, and
then have a version of compaction.
52:37I think that that's really interesting.
52:40What you're describing sounds really cool.
52:41I'll be interested to
see this code someday.
52:43I'm planning to open source it a
little bit further down the road.
52:47So you've now been in the
local-first space for over five
52:50years, and I'm sure you've seen many
technologies come along over time.
52:56I'm curious whether you have certain
strong opinions about the local-first
53:00space or the web ecosystem more broadly.
53:02Yes, I guess one.
53:04Well, this isn't really an opinion, but
just I'll make an observation that the
53:06local-first movement has really exploded
just within the past 12 or 18 months.
53:11Like, starting out five years ago
reading CRDT papers and going to CRDT
53:15conferences, it was much more, you
know, mellow academic atmosphere.
53:19But now there's just so many
tools popping up, I can't keep
53:21track of them in my browser tabs.
53:23you know, the local-first
discord, all that stuff.
53:25Just a lot more activity.
53:26So it's both exciting and also a bit
scary, because now I can't read all
53:29the papers that come out anymore.
53:31yeah, in terms of opinions, I guess
the The strong opinion I've had in the
53:35past year or so is that the local-first
ideal, I think, is too hard right now.
53:41There's just too many problems we'd
have to solve to actually make like
53:43a local-first app where the hosting
provider can go away and you'll still be
53:47able to collaborate and keep your data.
53:49So the problem that I've been focusing
on for the past year is the narrow
53:53goal, like the baby step, of how do we
make traditional central server SaaS
53:58collaboration easier to implement,
and maybe a bit easier to deploy.
54:02So that's working on primitives like
what you were describing with LiveStore.
54:05We want some way to have events that
you send around and persist IndexedDB.
54:10broadcast channel between different
tabs and then eventually send it
54:13to a server that stores them and
broadcasts them back to the client.
54:16Just make some really good implementation
of that that people can reuse so they
54:19don't have to reinvent it every time.
54:22and I think that'll be.
54:23Both useful for, you know, developers
and also a good stepping stone
54:26towards the eventual goal of we
want to get rid of this server and
54:29have our, have our data forever.
54:31I love that observation, and that opinion.
54:34I think that's also one of my key
takeaways from talking to many folks
54:38at the local-first conference we had
this year in Berlin, where Everyone
54:42gets excited about all the goals and
all the ideals of local-first, but
54:48going after a few of those already
is technically very complicated.
54:54And then going like all the way to
making sure that the software still
54:58works if the vendor goes away, etc.
55:01That is, I think, right now
achieved by only a very, very few
55:07set of products and technologies.
55:09I hope that in five years from
now, it will be table stakes.
55:13But, I think it's a little bit
like Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
55:17And like we, here we have like the
hierarchy of ideals and we haven't, Yet
55:21quite made it as easy to achieve all of
it, hopefully we'll, we'll get closer
55:26to that over the next couple of years.
55:29So those technologies that you've,
now mentioned, is there anything
55:33that you're working on that can
be looked at by other people?
55:37Let's see.
55:37So the main project I've had recently
is it's a library called list-positions.
55:42So you can read about it on my blog
post or look at the docs on GitHub.
55:45But it's basically trying to solve this
fractional index generalization problem.
55:49You can think of it like a
fractional index library that also
55:52implements the extra features that
CRDTs have to prevent some bugs.
55:57The idea is that you can use this as
a drop in part to do just the text and
56:01list collaboration in some arbitrary data
structure . So I built examples on top
56:06of Triplit, Electric SQL, Replicache.
56:09So these are our collaborative
data stores that don't talk
56:11about lists or texts at all.
56:13They're basically syncing
maps or database tables.
56:15And I said here, if we just
stick these souped up fractional
56:18indices on top, we can actually do
text to rich text collaboration.
56:21So that's, that's been my focus.
56:23Very interesting.
56:24I will check this out.
56:25Maybe I can use it for Overtone.
56:27Maybe I could even
integrate it with LiveStore.
56:30I will certainly check this out and
we'll put the link in the show notes.
56:34Matthew, is there anything else you
want to share with the audience?
56:38No, I don't think so.
56:39It's been a really good chat.
56:40Thank you so much for sharing all
of your knowledge about different
56:44approaches to syncing state.
56:46I think this is the most in depth
we've gone on those topics so
56:49far, and it provided a brilliant
overview for future conversations.
56:53Has helped me a ton to, to better
understand this, both your blog
56:57posts as well as this conversation.
56:59So thank you so much for taking
time today and coming on to chat.
57:03Yeah, thanks so much for having me.
57:04Thank you for listening to
the local-first FM podcast.
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done so already, please subscribe and
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57:19A special thanks again to Rocicorp
and Expo for supporting this podcast.
57:24See you next time.